đź’¸ Fundraising
Raise money to benefit a cause.
Target Size: $XXXX dollars | Attributes: Goal-oriented, Purposeful, Mission-Driven | Shorthand: “I want to raise money.”
Raise money and awareness. Sometimes fundraisers not only help you get the cold hard cash you need but they also serve as PR opportunities for your project or organization.
Your fundraiser should feel like you. Make sure that the fundraiser is reflective of your organizational culture. Don’t host a fancy gala if an artsy party in a forgotten warehouse will attract more money and attention.
Select the right strategy. There are lots of ways to raise money. A big fundraiser is one way. Asking private donors is another. Soliciting lots of small donations online is another still. Pick the approach that will work best for you.
- Gather an event design team
- Choose a goal (amount of $)
- Find a venue (think creatively)
- Determine programming (music, performance, speaking, etc.)
- Invite people
- Cultivate your vibe
- Show people a good time
- Ask for contributions
- Document the event
- Thank everyone
Related Experiences: Planning Social
Related Techniques: Four Corners, Ignite Talks, Trading Cards, World Cafe
For several years, Hothouse provided an opportunity for a wide cross-section of Pittsburgh’s business and social circles to come together in support of Sprout’s mission. It also served as Sprout’s “live annual report” to the community by presenting a sampling of some of the innovative projects and emerging leaders supported by Sprout each year.